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Global Economics: The Expansive Effects of a Strong U.S. Dollar
The Federal Reserve was established in 1913 to function as of the central bank of the United States and the...
Bitcoin: Have Cryptocurrencies Become Legitimate Market Assets?
Bitcoin: Have Cryptocurrencies Become Legitimate Market Assets? In the last few years, one of the biggest stories to hit the...
Global Economics: What is a Trade War?
In all of the recent news dealing with US President Donald Trump and the world economy, the term “trade war”...
Government Buying It’s Own Bonds?
Not that they can’t, but why would it be bad policy to raise government revenues by issuing bonds that are...
Economists View: FOREX Explained – ‘What is Forex?’
FOREX is short for “foreign exchange”. When we discuss the FOREX market we are usually referring to the purchase or...
Canadian dollar hits 11 year low with no end in sight
The Loonie hit on 11 year low closing the day at 1.3785 / 1USD. Last time the dollar was this...
Why does the Canadian dollar go down if interest rates stay the same or go down?
As of this post the Canadian dollar is depreciating versus the American dollar. The major contributing factor to this downward...
How to Predict Foreign Exchange Movements
The reason domestic currencies drop may baffle some newbie FOREX investors since many movements are rooted in what are called...